First Impressions Count
Is your headshot giving the impression you want?
A great headshot is an investment. Many people underestimate the value of a quality, professional headshot.
A recent survey found that over 90% of prospective employers use social media to evaluate candidates for employment.
2/3 of companies now recruit via Facebook, over half use Twitter and almost all use LinkedIn (1)
What is appropriate for you? Ask yourself a few questions.
- Is my LinkedIn profile pic a professional headshot?
- Are my Facebook & Twitter profile pics ones I would want an employer to see?
- How can I fix this, yet still reflect my personality on Facebook & Twitter?
First, no matter what, your profile pic on LinkedIn needs to be professional. Linked in is not a social site, it is a business association site, and your profile pic needs to reflect that.
Secondly, if you want to be safe, put the professional pic on all of your social media sites as your profile pic. If you desire to show a bit or your personality in the profile pic for these sites, discuss this with your photographer. Perhaps, for a bit of additional cost, he/she can create 2 or 3 different profile pics for you… one that is clean and professional for LinkedIn, and one or two with a bit of tasteful reflection of your personality for Facebook and Twitter, but that still is clean and casually professional. { For example, if you are a musician, perhaps you could bring your instrument to your photo session and include it in the background, or even in your hand(s). } Perhaps in this semi-professional, ‘personality’ pic you could wear an outfit that is a bit less formal, yet has clean lines and is appropriate.
Dos & Don’ts.
- Makeup obviously helps, but don’t over-do your makeup.
- Lipstick helps a lot, but it does not need to be bright – unless that is what you like.
- Make sure your hair is neat.
- Use a lint brush before going to your photo session, especially if you wear dark clothes and have pets.
- A pimple is easy to photoshop out – 5:00 shadow is not. If your photo session is in the afternoon or evening, shave again before you go.
- Choose clothing that looks professional and is not busy. Classic, clean lines are best.
- Don’t try to look like a different person. This is not a beauty contest, and you do not need to look 20 years younger. It is a good goal to look your best, but you need to look like you. Everybody has their own look, and their own beauty. Be happy in your skin.
Related: 8 Reasons to Shoot in Raw
Related: When to Hire a Professional Photographer
1 Kasper, Kimberley. “Jobvite Social Recruiting Survey Finds Over 90% of Employers Will Use Social Recruiting in 2012.” Jobvite. 9 July 2012. Web. 11 Dec. 2014.