Mon Sheri Design BLOG| Sheri Lossing

FOCUS :: Web Design & Photography TIPS & TRENDS

I am a freelance web designer. I drink a lot of coffee, live in front of my computer, and occasionally leave my house. I love what I do.

Writing for the Web

Writing for the Web

Reading Time: First Impressions Count When writing for the web, the words you choose will be the way users 'read' you - literally. Less Is More Choose your words carefully. Use simple sentences. Step back from and revisit your copy. Sometimes words are...

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Clean and Lean Website Design

Clean and Lean Website Design

Reading Time: “K.I.S.S.– Keep It Simple, Stupid” I prefer simple, clean, uncluttered design. When done well, a balanced design with well-chosen content and white space catches and directs the eye.  I appreciate the usefulness of simplicity, but find I have...

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FEATURED| articles

Preparing for Your Portrait Session article

11 Boundaries for the Small Business Owner-Caution-Mon-Sheri-Design11 Boundaries for the Small Business Owner article

10 Ways to Stay Healthy If You Work at a Computer All Day10 Ways to Stay Healthy If You Work at a Computer All Day article

Learn WordPress – Advice & Tips for Beginners - mon-Sheri-Design-Sheri LossingLearn WordPress – Advice & Tips for Beginners article

Maintaining Your WordPress WebsiteLearn WordPress — Maintaining Your WordPress Website article

Learn WordPress - 18 Blog Essentials - Sheri Lossing - mon Sheri Design BLOGLearn WordPress – 18 Blog Essentials article



Mon Sheri Design

Grand Rapids, Michigan

Sheri Lossing


— I am a freelance web and graphic designer who also does professional photography.
— I drink a lot of coffee, live in front of my computer, and occasionally leave my house. I love what I do.

BLOG - mon Sheri Design

ME| in brief

Mon Sheri Design
Sheri Lossing
Grand Rapids, Michigan
Web Design & Development
Digital Graphics Communication


2015| Mon Sheri Design| photography Awarded a Best of 2015 Award —  “based on great customer reviews”  {Sheri Lossing}

Thumbtack Best Pro | 2015
Thumbtack Best Pro of 2015


2016| Mon Sheri Design| photography Awarded a Best of 2016 Award —  “based on great customer reviews”  {Sheri Lossing}


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