Mon Sheri Design BLOG| Sheri Lossing
FOCUS :: Web Design & Photography TIPS & TRENDS
I am a freelance web designer. I drink a lot of coffee, live in front of my computer, and occasionally leave my house. I love what I do.
Wedding Photography on a Budget
Reading Time: Alright... he put a ring on it! Congrats! Now come the endless lists, expenses, and decisions that may test your budget, your patience, and perhaps your relationships. Unless you have some pretty deep pockets, you will...
Writing for the Web
Reading Time: First Impressions Count When writing for the web, the words you choose will be the way users 'read' you - literally. Less Is More Choose your words carefully. Use simple sentences. Step back from and revisit your copy. Sometimes words are...
GIF vs. Flash
Reading Time: { GIF animation runs at the speed and the number of times you choose - from one time to 'forever'. This one is set to run continuously with a 3 second pause between cycles. } Is Flash dead? A Flash course was required for my Web...
Clean and Lean Website Design
Reading Time: “K.I.S.S.– Keep It Simple, Stupid” I prefer simple, clean, uncluttered design. When done well, a balanced design with well-chosen content and white space catches and directs the eye. I appreciate the usefulness of simplicity, but find I have...
FEATURED| articles
Preparing for Your Portrait Session
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11 Boundaries for the Small Business Owner
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10 Ways to Stay Healthy If You Work at a Computer All Day
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Learn WordPress – Advice & Tips for Beginners
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Learn WordPress — Maintaining Your WordPress Website
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Learn WordPress – 18 Blog Essentials
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