Who Should Not Use WordPress?

Reading Time:  Reading Time:  Is WordPress Right for You? I love WordPress. I use WordPress for most of my client websites – and for my own website. But that does not mean WordPress if right for your website. No matter how much you may like WordPress, if it...

GIF vs. Flash

Reading Time: {  GIF animation runs at the speed and the number of times you choose – from one time to ‘forever’. This one is set to run continuously with a 3 second pause between cycles. } Is Flash dead? A Flash course was required for my Web...

Clean and Lean Website Design

Reading Time: “K.I.S.S.– Keep It Simple, Stupid” I prefer simple, clean, uncluttered design. When done well, a balanced design with well-chosen content and white space catches and directs the eye.  I appreciate the usefulness of simplicity, but find I have to...

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